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The Australian Philanthropy landscape
Australians are generous people. In 2016 the philanthropic donations from individuals in Australia was at approximately $12.5 billion...

How PIPP is helping to improve the impact of philanthropy
PIPP is a cohort-based research and learning project at the University of Melbourne dedicated to improving the impact of philanthropy in...

PIPP is looking at relationships
PIPP builds on a longitudinal study of the Australian philanthropic sector undertaken by the Asia Pacific Social Impact Centre to track...

The people behind the Philanthropic Impact Pioneers Programme (PIPP)
Kate McKegg is PIPP's evaluation specialist. Ms. McKegg co-founded the Developmental Evaluation Institute, is the Director of the...

The people behind the Philanthropic Impact Pioneers Programme (PIPP)
Jodi York is the research and design lead for PIPP. Dr York is also co-founder and Principal at ImpactAbility Solutions and a Research...

The people behind the Philanthropic Impact Pioneers Programme (PIPP)
PIPP is fortunate to have Liz Gillies as convener. Ms. Gillies is the CEO at Menzies Foundation and an Honourary Research Fellow at the...

Why PIPP is important?
PIPP is giving grant makers a new model upon which to hang practises--one which encourages more strategic, evidence-led practice. The improv

Introducing the Philanthropic Impact Pioneers Program
About PIPP The Philanthropy Impact Pioneers Program (PIPP) is hosted by the University of Melbourne and the Menzies Foundation. PIPP...
Actionable Impact Management series
In 2017-18, we collaborated with impact management software company Sopact to fill a gap we saw in the market. Actionable Impact...

Actionable Impact Management volume 4 is live!
We are delighted to present the final volume in our Actionable Impact Management series. In this final volume, we explore methods for...
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